Thursday 19 November 2009

StoryBoards and Animatics (Planning)

As we started to progress and develop ideas, we came to the point in which we started creating storyboards/animatics. We were given some post-stick notes to draw each shot that we would be using for the opening scene of our film. Louise, Megime and myself worked together and took it in turns to draw out a shot an write about things such as:


-Camera Shot
-Any Dialogue
Creating a storyboard was very helpful, as we were able to put ideas on to paper and keep organised with each shot. It also provided a clearer view of what we would like to add into the scene or what we would like to take out.
As we finished of adding the final shot, we were asked to film and take pictures of each shot to create our animatics. To create our Animatics we will be using 'Movie Maker' as it provides us with different choice of effects, such as transitions from each shot (fade in, fade out etc). It also helps provide background music to add a better sense of creativity and technique. We have not yet completed the animatic but we are working on it during the next lesson and should be finished by then.

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